madison lost tracks unreleased 3rd Anonymous: New link please tnt 4x4 demos 1982 1989 compilation Anonymous: Would love to hear these ultra rare tracks if you could please re-up. Thanks! blind vengeance taste of sin 1984 Anonymous: I'm confused: "Encyclopaedia Metallum" has them listed as a Christian band. Really . . . with THAT cover? stormtrooper head count 1990 Anonymous: Hallo Adrian. Das kommt jetzt bestimmt etwas überraschend für dich....aber hier ist Daniel Heppner. Schön dich mal im Internet gefunden zu haben. 😊 Auch schön zu hören, dass Du immer noch Musik machst. Ich hoffe Dir geht es gut.Wenn Du Lust hast... (Show Full Comment) strutt demo 198 Anonymous: ex-Deep Machine members from the 1981 line-up...Tony Smith ( Coldham now in The Deep) and Tony Harris ( formerly also in Burn ) the eagles us live at nationwide arena Anonymous: The eagles fucking suck man stormtrooper head count 1990 Strappado: Cool! you can get in touch with me at my mail: strappado@live.seCheers stormtrooper head count 1990 Anonymous: Hi Strappado! Adrian here from STÖRMTROOPER; Happy new Year! I Need your Home Adress,so i can send you physikalisch copies(CD‘s) of STÖRMTROOPER ! Will email you later on this week… Til Then … stormtrooper head count 1990 Anonymous: Hey Strappado! Adrian here from STÖRMTROOPER; H boston us we found it in trashcan Anonymous: gracias magnesium gorgon heavy metal fever Anonymous: Could you re-up? dysuria bel dodging infinity demo 1995 Anonymous: F-Great !! crystal ocean part 1 ep 1988 Anonymous: Can you upload this ep again? Please!!! I can't even find it on youtube weed metall fagel 1984 manillasword: Link is dead. unearthing obscure part ii metal Anonymous: I have a signed copy. it was signed by the bass player Duncan Carlton and dedicated to someone. it says to "keep on rocking" . he signed once on the front and once on the back. stormtrooper head count 1990 Anonymous: For all who have Heart the lp; i have the Demo Recording of „The Battle“ a damn better Production and Recording! I‘ll get it online soonest!🤘 stormtrooper head count 1990 Strappado: That would be awesome! keep in touch \m/ stormtrooper head count 1990 Anonymous: I‘d Like to! Haven‘t got a YouTube Account at the Moment 😔, but i‘ll get a mate to load it Update ASAP ! stormtrooper head count 1990 Strappado: Interesting! sad to hear about the drummer though =/. If you wanna send anything over or talk more about the band feel free to contact me at: stormtrooper head count 1990 Anonymous: Hi Strappado! I have got some Demos lying around at Home; managed to get them on cd… That was the third line-up for the Band, myself being the founder member. First Drummer dies, the guitarist went back to England. 2nd Drummer was Mike Megadeath,... (Show Full Comment) stormtrooper head count 1990 Strappado: Cool! I will notify the online community to fix the name!Is that 2nd EP something you wanna share with us digitally? stormtrooper head count 1990 Anonymous: By the way: 2nd Release/EP was/is entitled „Regressus Diaboli“; 4 Tracks with new Drummer and Axe player. Martin Burgstaller/Drums, Peter Jehardt/Axe , and myself Adrian „Son Of Satan“ COLVILLE on Bass and Vocals… stormtrooper head count 1990 Strappado: Hey! thanks for letting me know. Do you have more info about the band? did you record any demos?Cheers stormtrooper head count 1990 Anonymous: Thanks for the positive Feedback ! For the record: My Name is Adrian COLVILLE,Not BROCK!!!! Bass & Vocals….. agathocles 1990 fascination of Anonymous: Any re up? randy dnk biography photos Anonymous: Acero real herman@ ⚔️🔥⛓️🍻 squadron first mission 1982 Bence: Hello, the link is dead, can you upload this album again? Thanks in advance! va us metal vol 1 compilation 1981 Anonymous: all down :-( midnight all souls midnight unreleased Anonymous: is this on nation ride on 1985 powerstream: hiii this album is no more available to listen online t_t could you share a vinyl rip or anything similar through my email? i can trade with my own produced metal material to listen to.... blaspheme blaspheme 1983 flac mp3 vinyl Anonymous: One hell of a faggot lonewolf legions of unlight bootleg Anonymous: Does anyone have this bootleg? rebellion unreleased recording sessions Anonymous: I don't think this is available anymore. Check the forum. Thanks... godmachine gr godmachine ep 2004 joseang: So sad. I'm proud of being one of the few that uploaded, I had a modestly good reputation, It took completely by surprise, I mean, I was browsing the site and suddenly zap!, no more. It's really a pity, since there were some of my reviews,... (Show Full Comment) godmachine gr godmachine ep 2004 Anonymous: Thanks for the reply back man. I appreciate it. That website was one of a kind and tremendous asset for the hard rock and heavy metal community. It's really sad that it just ended abruptly with no warning and that it's years of amazing... (Show Full Comment) godmachine gr godmachine ep 2004 Anonymous: dead --- it was only a few that ever uploaded anything, now the leechers will have to work harder to find the rare stuff. godmachine gr godmachine ep 2004 Anonymous: Hey you know what happened to the website? shanghai lilly us demo 1992 Anonymous: Thanks for post phyne thanquz into sun single 1982 The Sufferer: Hi Strappado, I wondered if you might be able to post a re-up for this little gem? Thanks! mirror mirror uk beware moon demo 1990 Anonymous: What happen with your videos in youtube? va metal hammer free ep compilation Anonymous: Link doesn´t works - please re-up contact Anonymous: By the way that song came out between 1980 and 2007 contact Anonymous: I have another question do you know a metal song that goes all that I can say baby is you don't wanna run with me believe me you don't wanna open up that door because even though you look at me and see a knight upon his steed take a closer... (Show Full Comment) contact Anonymous: I have a question do you have sommarrock 86 1986 if so can you post it avalanche to be free 1999 Anonymous: I would like to post again please avalanche here comes king 1994 Anonymous: Could you put a new link avalanche to be free 1999 Anonymous: Link dead sweet pain us sweet pain 1985 Anonymous: Awesome thanks for post starz do it with lights on 1987 Ed: PUBLISH washed blue 1991 OhmerFam: Could i get a re-upload? |
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I believe I have an original copy of Legend From the fjiords. Paper insert states produced for Colossus Enterprises Looking to research the value of album for possible sale.
hi!....Seeking a track like "sacrifice" of "Racer X" ... I heard some time in another band and do not know his name.
busco un track parecido a "sacrifice" of "racer x" ... hace tiempo lo escuche en otra banda y no sé como se llama.
Hi, if I was just wondering if it would be possible to publish an announcement of the release of my band The Last Alliance's Album Lost in Legend. found fully to stream from thank you!
Hello my friend I'm Franck from France...Since a few days I can't reach Achilles or Lord Bones through our web sites BLOOD AND HONOR and BM80 because these web site don't work anymore...Can you help me to reach them ? Thanks a lot in advance...Franck
Hi this is John from Florida, USA. I have a question--maybe only you can answer--I've tried to ask around for this lost video. I can't find this gem of a video: it was shot on location on an island, there was a prison, hot female wardens, the band was in the prison. It was an 80s band, probably speed or traditional maybe early thrash I don't remember. I will be ever grateful if you can help, if not I will keep looking! Keep up the great metal collecting, cheers. Thanks.
To whom it may concern [anyone],I want to buy a cd called "kicked out of fantasy" by liquid mirror.(please}. my # is 808-722-0285 thanks ADRIAN
Any info on the New Jersey band White Bat that released the "Run and Hide" EP in 1983 would be appreciated. In 1983 I used to hear them on the radio on WCWP 88.1FM in New York.
Thanks, Dan
When I click on "read more, nothing happens ....???
Try clicking on the title instead
Hi guys! we invite to you to our web based promotion label for noisegrind/crust/cybergrind bands:
Chainfuck Records
we're accepting underground band stuff!
Searching for this band can anyone help
Hey I am a promoter and booking agent from the late 80s and 90s. We actually
were working on a project to book the band "Angelix" from your list. Bro. yes they were hard core Christian metal and they rocked the scene in Dallas and area for a while. They released their demon to cassette tape and it was like for all of you out there that love their metal. On top of that it helped lead me to receive Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and turn back to Him in 1995. I would love to hear from anyone out there that also knows of Angelix or Homer the lead singer. The double bass drum kicks and Homer's vocals with the stinging metal riffs are still embedded in my head but what I hear are hard core Christ centered messages that lead me closer to God. If any of you out there know the band or have a copy of their demo laying around please share it here and set up a Facebook site for these guys. I would love to hear from you Homer, man it has been so long and you have no idea how you effected my life along with the others of the Christian hard rock scene KIGA you also rock I will see you all in heaven one day, please meet me at the gate if you go before me and I will do the same. I hope someone from the band or from the area knows what I am talking about and can turn everyone on to their music. I still have a demo dup we made as a demo to book them in my car but no longer have a cassette player that works in there. So anyway, If you like to rock don't knock Christian Rock. I know Brian Welch came to the light, he also has some cool Christian material he wrote. Anyway anyone that wants to shout at me or complain lol hit me up at Much love in Christ our Lord to you guys from that time in Dallas, Texas that helped lead me to the Narrow Road which leads to eternal life in Jesus Christ!
Please send me the password to extract the files from the Winrar folder. Thank you very much!
Greetings from Seattle. I'm digging the blog! I wanted to share my new album The Visitation. If you are a fan of Latitudes, The Ocean, or Cult of Luna you may enjoy it. Check it out!
Hello, we have the blogs and If you want put our links to your Blog List. We already put your blog to our Blog's Blog List. Thank you! :)
I have a question do you have sommarrock 86 1986 if so can you post it
I have another question do you know a metal song that goes all that I can say baby is you don't wanna run with me believe me you don't wanna open up that door because even though you look at me and see a knight upon his steed take a closer look you'll see there's blood upon my sword all you'll find is the brimstone at my core all you'll find is the cauldron in my lungs
By the way that song came out between 1980 and 2007