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Störmtrooper - Head Count (1990)

Scrub said...

Holy shit, this is awesome! Thanks a lot for this!

Hec_The_Wreck said...

Total MOTORHEAD Worship!!!

Strappado said...

Haha yeah sounds like a mix between Motörhead and Carnivore :P

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the positive Feedback ! For the record: My Name is Adrian COLVILLE,Not BROCK!!!! Bass & Vocals…..

Strappado said...

Hey! thanks for letting me know. Do you have more info about the band? did you record any demos?


Anonymous said...

By the way: 2nd Release/EP was/is entitled „Regressus Diaboli“; 4 Tracks with new Drummer and Axe player. Martin Burgstaller/Drums, Peter Jehardt/Axe , and myself Adrian „Son Of Satan“ COLVILLE on Bass and Vocals…

Strappado said...

Cool! I will notify the online community to fix the name!

Is that 2nd EP something you wanna share with us digitally?

Anonymous said...

Hi Strappado! I have got some Demos lying around at Home; managed to get them on cd… That was the third line-up for the Band, myself being the founder member. First Drummer dies, the guitarist went back to England. 2nd Drummer was Mike Megadeath, Axe was Simon Slayer…(on the LP).

Strappado said...

Interesting! sad to hear about the drummer though =/. If you wanna send anything over or talk more about the band feel free to contact me at:

Anonymous said...

I‘d Like to! Haven‘t got a YouTube Account at the Moment 😔, but i‘ll get a mate to load it Update ASAP !

Strappado said...

That would be awesome! keep in touch \m/

Anonymous said...

For all who have Heart the lp; i have the Demo Recording of „The Battle“ a damn better Production and Recording! I‘ll get it online soonest!🤘

Anonymous said...

Hey Strappado! Adrian here from STÖRMTROOPER; H

Anonymous said...

Hi Strappado! Adrian here from STÖRMTROOPER; Happy new Year! I Need your Home Adress,so i can send you physikalisch copies(CD‘s) of STÖRMTROOPER ! Will email you later on this week… Til Then …

Strappado said...

Cool! you can get in touch with me at my mail:


Anonymous said...

Hallo Adrian. Das kommt jetzt bestimmt etwas überraschend für dich....aber hier ist Daniel Heppner. Schön dich mal im Internet gefunden zu haben. 😊 Auch schön zu hören, dass Du immer noch Musik machst. Ich hoffe Dir geht es gut.
Wenn Du Lust hast kannst Du Dich gerne mal melden. Würde mich riesig freuen.
Liebe Grüße

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