artist: germane
release: germane (demo), 198?
genre: hard rock/heavy metal
country: the netherlands
download: mediafire
1. track 01
2. track 02
3. track 03
4. track 04
I really don't know much about this one; it is labeled as Germene on my tape, but i think it's Germane we have here. There is some info on At one time Thijs Hamelears (Seducer, Steel Forrest, Sleez Beez) was on vocals. I don't have a cover, nor do i have songtitles, so if someone can help out...BE my guest. Enjoy!
The 4th track are awesome! I guess it's entitled "Close Encounters" :)
That's what i thought, but i don't know for sure...maybe someone has the cover ...Bones?
Have some other jigsaws tonight, which i hope someone will clear up. Cheers.